Invisible And Existent Motion Poster
Motion Posters for the exhibition 'Invisible And Existent'.
Invisible And Existent Motion PosterMotion Posters for the exhibition 'Invisible And Existent'.
How To See Invisible Sculptures
Guide animation for viewing of the exhibition 'Invisible And Existent'.
How To See Invisible SculpturesGuide animation for viewing of the exhibition 'Invisible And Existent'.
Laneige: Beauty Road
Promotion film for '2017 Beauty Road with Water Sleeping Mask' of Laneige.
Laneige: Beauty RoadPromotion film for '2017 Beauty Road with Water Sleeping Mask' of Laneige.
Park Boram: Why, You?
Official music video 'Why, You?' which is in Park Boram's 2nd album.
Park Boram: Why, You?Official music video 'Why, You?' which is in Park Boram's 2nd album.
Ohrenschutz: Customized Earplugs
Infographic animation to show the process of how to make customized earplugs of Ohrenschutz.
Ohrenschutz: Customized EarplugsInfographic animation to show the process of how to make customized earplugs of Ohrenschutz.
Laneige: Water Science
A series of motion graphic works for Laneige's commercial film project Water Science.
Laneige: Water ScienceA series of motion graphic works for Laneige's commercial film project Water Science.
Steve J & Yoni P
A short film to promote launching the official online store 'SJYP'.
Steve J & Yoni PA short film to promote launching the official online store 'SJYP'.
Grapin 2016
2016 Grapin promotion film.
Grapin 20162016 Grapin promotion film.
Hand drawn animation to make a screen saver.
NoseriderHand drawn animation to make a screen saver.
Consuming War
We are living in a huge consumption culture. So many products and brands have been produced to make people want to buy them. This serious competition makes them much stronger. It's like weapons which are being much terrifying.
Consuming WarWe are living in a huge consumption culture. So many products and brands have been produced to make people want to buy them. This serious competition makes them much stronger. It's like weapons which are being much terrifying.
Music Visualization
Experiment of translating music into graphic visual language.
Music VisualizationExperiment of translating music into graphic visual language.
Bensh: Hard Rain
Official music video for 'Hard Rain' which is a song by Bensh who is an Austrian rock band.
Bensh: Hard RainOfficial music video for 'Hard Rain' which is a song by Bensh who is an Austrian rock band.
The Big Sleep
Short animation film for the promotion of the hardboiled crime novel. The Big Sleep (1939) - A Philip Marlowe Mystery by Raymond Chandler.
The Big SleepShort animation film for the promotion of the hardboiled crime novel. The Big Sleep (1939) - A Philip Marlowe Mystery by Raymond Chandler.
Scent: Smell Communication
Smell as a kind of invisible information, it may have message that could be received and delivered. Imagine that everything can communicate each other by using only the smell they have even though they are not strong enough to make me feel. They might have been talking around us.
Scent: Smell CommunicationSmell as a kind of invisible information, it may have message that could be received and delivered. Imagine that everything can communicate each other by using only the smell they have even though they are not strong enough to make me feel. They might have been talking around us.
Interactive Crockery
Stop motion animation 'Interactive Crockery' which is created story by combining random words 'Interactive' and 'Crockery'.
Interactive CrockeryStop motion animation 'Interactive Crockery' which is created story by combining random words 'Interactive' and 'Crockery'.
Elephant Food Co.
Short video for screen on the restaurant.
Elephant Food Co.Short video for screen on the restaurant.